Every effort is going into tackling crime in the capital. It is amongst our highest priorities at City Hall.

Last month, the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, launched a new Violence Reduction Unit.

It will bring together police, local government and health agencies to deliver a public health approach to tackling the root causes of violence. The concept is to treat serious violence as a disease, lancing it through action, but with a real focus on long-term preventative work. A similar approach is taken in Birmingham, which I recently visited with the London Assembly Police and Crime Committee, to see how they are delivering results there.

Of course, people want to know what is happening now. All of this work is supported by immediate measures to rid our streets of violence. The mayor’s Violent Crime Taskforce has increased capacity. I recently joined them on patrol and was impressed with their effectiveness.

Closer to home, further action is being taken to address local crime. I recently joined Council leader, Darren Rodwell, MP Margaret Hodge and local councillors to meet the London Mayor’s office to take targeted action against crimes such as anti-social behaviour that blight our local area.

Finally, and on a different note, I have been working hard at getting Transport for London (TfL) to work with All Saints Catholic School so that they have a fit and proper school bus service.

TfL have now arranged a meeting with the school to discuss what steps can be taken to address this matter.