Tourists have slated Big Ben in hilarious TripAdvisor reviews - with some even suggesting the clock tower should get digital upgrades.

Recent reviewers on TripAdvisor are disappointed with the iconic London landmark, branding it "underwhelming", and suggesting they could get a better clock-watching experience at home.

One reviewer Leo N said: "Just a big clock really init.

"Nothing special really could just go my nans house and see a clock except big bens 10x bigger."

The size of the London landmark matters - at least according to these tourists.

One said in their review that Big Ben "could have been bigger", while another commented that it "should be rebuilt bigger and maybe with some shops underneath".

Big Ben, officially named the Elizabeth Tower, stands at the Houses of Parliament.

The tower is often open for tours, and locals and tourists alike have plenty of opportunities to observe and hear the bell from afar.

Ferdie G wrote on TripAdvisor: "Bell chimes too loud please turn it down it’s extremely annoying.

"Architecture is mid.

"Would be better if it was digital as quite hard to read."

Other harsh critics wanted even more modifications to the nearly 200-year-old clock, to bring it into the 21st century.

Instead of the famous bell chimes, some visitors from south east London said they would prefer the clock to play "bird noises" or "50 cent" songs.

East London Advertiser: The clock should be digitalised according to some reviewersThe clock should be digitalised according to some reviewers (Image: Canva)

Daniel B, from Croydon, said: "Went to see the clock and all I can say is my Apple Watch is more accurate and prettier to look at and mine even takes my pulse, what can Big Ben do?

"Please upgrade the bell so that a coo coo bird comes out each hour, or change the bell sound to 50 cent."

Another reviewer, Victoria P from Chislehurst, said: "I wonder if they’ll add a digital face?

"Maybe they need to jazz it up a big with different sounds on the hour.

"I’m thinking different bird noises from across the globe."

Perhaps the funniest review was commenting on the name of the landmark itself.

Sophia said: "Who went to all these great lengths to build this ginormous clock only to go and name it BEN.

"Personally, I think this clock should’ve been a female named ginormous georgia."

Despite the spate of hilariously negative reviews, the iconic clock tower continues to be an essential part of London's rich history and charm.

The landmark recently went viral after videos circulated on TikTok claiming the famous tower was on fire.

Seana Davis, a misinformation specialist, debunked this fake video on X, assuring the public that Big Ben did not met a fiery end.

She said: "The trend of fake videos making it seem like iconic landmarks are on fire is continuing. Last week, it was the Eiffel Tower.”