Two men have been jailed for life for murder after one brutally attacked a sleeping man while the other filmed it.

Rafal Zabiecki, 48, was asleep in his Pinner home on February 20, 2023 when Jakub Molga and Andrej Kolecki entered and killed him.

A jury at Woolwich Crown Court heard how the two entered the property in Howards Close and Molga beat Rafal with a wooden table leg, hitting him so hard that it broke.

Molga then armed himself with a heavier piece of wood and continued to attack Rafal, finally pouring boiling water over his feet. The assault was filmed by Kolecki on his phone.

After evidence including CCTV and fingerprints were found, Molga, 26, of Romford Road, Forest Gate, was arrested on February 24, 2023.

East London Advertiser: Andrej KoleckiAndrej Kolecki (Image: Met Police)

Kolecki, 61, of Chaplin Road, Cricklewood, was arrested on February 26.

The two were charged with murder on February 27 last year, and the pair were sentenced at the Old Bailey on Friday (February 2).

Molga, who also goes by the name Leon Pedrycz, was sentenced to life imprisonment and will serve a minimum of 22 years.

East London Advertiser: Jakub Molga beat Rafal Zabiecki to deathJakub Molga beat Rafal Zabiecki to death (Image: Met Police)

Kolecki was also sentenced to life imprisonment and will serve at least 19 years.

Rafal’s sister, Magdalena, said: “I am so happy that the jury have made the right decision. Although it can never bring Rafal back I feel that we have got justice for him and the rest of the family.

“I would like to thank the police investigation team for everything they have done and the support they have provided to us.”

At the start of the trial Molga pleaded guilty to manslaughter, claiming that he hadn’t intended to kill Rafal or cause him really serious harm, but the jury found him guilty of murder along with Kolecki.

Molga had previously pleaded guilty to causing actual bodily harm (ABH) to another party present, Kolecki was also found guilty of ABH to the same individual.

Detective Inspector Lucy Carberry, who led the team, said: “Molga’s claims that he didn’t intend to cause Mr Zabiecki serious harm are staggering – it was clear that Molga and Kolecki went there with a plan. From the start we knew we had to prove that this was a case of murder and that they had intended to seriously harm him.

“The team spent hours building the case against Molga and Kolecki, so that they could be properly held to account for their heartless crimes that day, and give Mr Zabieki’s family a small degree of comfort knowing that they were brought to justice.”