Dear Ed, TOWER Hamlets council has finally had to come clean. After three years of sticking council tax up and up, the Labour party has still landed us with a whacking �8 million deficit

Dear Ed,

TOWER Hamlets council has finally had to come clean. After three years of sticking council tax up and up, the Labour party has still landed us with a whacking �8 million deficit.

What are we council taxpayers getting for our money, all of it (and then some) spent so wisely?

That's �8,00,000 too much on their walled-off 'dacha' at Mulberry Place (new Town Hall) when we have four old town halls standing empty and rotting and �280,000 too much spent on the propaganda 'East End Life' paper. If they must tell us that all is sweetness and light (in the newspaper), can they at least not be so blatant in proving the opposite?

And in the borough with a worse housing crisis in the country, our masters spent �4m more than their own estimate and are only planning to build 661 new homes, less than a quarter of the original target!

Tower Hamlets wastes council taxpayers' money and can't get round to building the homes nor keep its own finances in order.

They won't tell you that in 'East End Life'!

Geoff Clark

Millharbour, Isle of Dogs