Like most families, we have our Christmas traditions and one of them is that we find out how much the children have grown since last Christmas.

My dad used to measure my sister and me and make a mark on the wall with our name against it, and now Christopher does the same for our grandchildren – each one solemnly stood up straight against the wall in our dining room to be measured.

Milo is nine years old and 7cms taller than last Christmas and this year played the carols on his guitar for the younger ones to sing; Arabella’s grown 7.5cms and, at nearly six, she’s reading everything!

Violet is 6cms taller and now she is three she goes to ballet classes – but Genevieve, who is just two, has grown a whopping 18.5cms in the year – about seven inches – and is walking, talking, joining in the games and asking “Annmar, where are my presents?”!

And I thought that I haven’t got any taller – but have I grown in other directions this past year?

I’ve become more involved politically and it’s fascinating to be part of another facet of Newham’s life. – and I’m not the chief executive, as I am when I’m at work – definitely not!

Getting out of my comfort zone felt strange to begin with, but then I found that looking at the borough from a different perspective has helped me gain a broader understanding of our communities.

I believe that we grow our brains and our souls by living and then reflecting, doing and reflecting again. Gradually, we become more the person God wants us to be – and our lives and the world are better for it.

People say that change is inevitable, but growth is optional and sometimes growing is painful – but I reckon it’s worth it!