Once again this borough is in the headlines for all the wrong reasons.

In John Biggs’s manifesto he said he’d fight corruption, not that this administration’s first priority on being re-elected would be to line their own pockets.

Mayor Biggs says it’s about professionalising politics, but what about our social workers? Aren’t they professionals? They’re not getting bumper rises, and they’re making do with far less than his part time cabinet get for a full time job.

It was only two years ago that Mayor Biggs last raised members’ allowances, including a £10,000 boost to his own salary. Since then, we’ve failed Ofsted, seen the return of government intervention and topped the league table for rat and mice infestations.

Just like the bankers bonuses paid at the height of the financial crisis, this is a reward for failure.

Mayor Biggs should hang his head in shame.