Dear Ed, I CONTINUE to be dismayed by Tower Hamlets Council’s propaganda rag East End Life’. I believe the council is acting illegally in constantly plugging Labour councillors and hardly ever featuring opposition members

Dear Ed,

I CONTINUE to be dismayed by Tower Hamlets Council's propaganda rag 'East End Life'.

I believe the council is acting illegally in constantly plugging Labour councillors and hardly ever featuring opposition members. This goes against the Local Government Act which prohibits Loony Left authorities using council taxpayers' money to promote party members.

The situation becomes ever more disturbing when we learn that the new �100,000-a-year head of communications at the Town Hall is Takki Sulaiman, a former Labour councillor from Haringey who lost his seat to the Lib Dems in 2006.

Why are there so many failed Labour politicians in top jobs at Tower Hamlets?

Before George Galloway was elected Respect MP for Bethnal Green & Bow, both the Labour MPs in the two constituencies that make up Tower Hamlets had their own columns in 'East End Life'.

The columns were never seen again after Oona King lost in Bethnal Green & Bow in 2005. Strange that!

Francesca Preece

Mile End Road, Mile End