Raiders are turning more and more to powered two-wheelers as getaway vehicles to commit crime, police warn.

A spate of stolen motor-scooters have been recovered in East London by officers at Mile End and Bow.

The scooters are currently being forensically examined.

“There has been a significant rise in criminals turning to powered two-wheelers as cars become more secure,” a police spokesman said. “They’re using them for committing crime.

“Now we’re having to carry out patrols regularly to speak to riders to offer crime prevention advice.”

The recent spate of stolen scooters have been recovered within a half-mile stretch off the main Roman Road, having been dumped in Olga Street, Rosebank Gardens, Ford Street, Kenilworth Road and St Stephen’s Road after being used in crimes.

Two teenagers were jailed just last month after a failed smash-and-grab raid on an East End jewellers and a string of other armed robberies across London in which stolen scooters were used.

Fred Gosling and Hermon Yemane, both 18, were jailed for a total of 16 years between them following the raids including an attempt at Rankin’s Jewellery in Bethnal Green Road last summer—it was only the toughened plate class of the shop window that foiled the robbery. The luckless pair were members of an armed gang of six who were jailed.

Scooter and moped owners are being advised to put steering locks on every time, to keep the lock off the ground, avoid leaving the crash-helmet on the vehicle which could be used by the thief to pretend its their own machine, have all moveable objects security marked to help recover the vehicle if stolen, fit and secure a cover when parked which often deters thieves, keep ignition keys safe and out of sight, fit an alarm or immobilize and when possible lock the bike in a secure area when parked.