Last week, anxious parents received information about the secondary school their child will be going to in September. Now the wait is over its time to start preparing children for the next phase of their life. Most secondary schools and certainly all those in Tower Hamlets will go to great lengths to help ease the transition from primary to secondary school. They will arrange an interview with you and your child in the next few months where you will be able to ask all the questions you like about every aspect of the school. The children will be invited in to spend the day in secondary school in July where they will meet the other children in their class and their Tutor as well as lots of other teachers. There will also be a New Families Evening where parents and children will come in again to find out more about the school and to make sure there are no outstanding worries or queries. Our aim is always to reassure children and parents so they don’t spend the whole summer holidays worrying!

It’s important that parents keep their own anxiety at bay and not tell children scare stories about what might happen to them at secondary school. It’s a bit like the dentist – if you had a bad time when you were young you will pass on your anxieties to your child! The same can be said about school. Although secondary schools are much larger than most primary schools they are set up to ensure that each child is part of a Tutor group where they will remain for their five years. The Tutor will get to know the children very well and they will see them every morning and afternoon and sort out any problems they may have.

I know the biggest worry is about bullying. There is not school in the country that is free from bullying of one kind or another but schools will have robust anti-bullying policies that are rigorously enforced. Although secondary schools are much larger they are also very caring and want nothing more than happy children who are learning!