A team of volunteers continued their support of the Isle of Dogs community by distributing more than 150 packages of food.

The deliveries on Wednesday, May 20, were the latest by the Island Network volunteers, who have been handing out meals and food packs to vulnerable people in the area over the past three months.

Food packs included porridge, crackers, muri, milk, chickpeas, coffee, sugar, sardines, squash, rice, biscuits, pasta and bananas.

Island Network’s Maium Miah Talukdar said: “I am proud to say that since February 21, we have distributed over 1,730 meals and food packs to local elderly and vulnerable residents, including care homes, the NHS and schools.

“I am also so proud that we, as a team, are making the difference in the community - we are at least making people smile in this Covid-19 crisis.

“A massive thanks to our volunteers and One Housing for funding us for the last 14 weeks.”