Little Tyler Johnston gave his teenage mum a bit of a turn when he arrived in the world on Christmas Day.

He should have been born December 18 which is when doctors at the Royal London reckoned he was due.

But the little sprite kept everyone waiting—then broke mummy’s waters on Christmas Eve morning.

Lisa, 19, made her way to the hospital. But staff realised Tyler still wasn’t ready—so they sent Lisa back home to North Woolwich.

By 8pm Christmas Eve, Lisa’s contractions speeded up while a family friend speeded her six miles back to Whitechapel.

Lisa began an eight-hour labour and Tyler eventually made his appearance at 4.24pm Christmas Day.

“The whole family was so excited that we all went to the hospital,” said Lisa’s dad Steve after his first grandchild arrived. “But we got stranded—there was no public transport to get home and we had to stay at the hospital.

“We lost Christmas this year, which sort of passed us by. All the presents were still unwrapped when we came back Boxing Day—but we got the best present of all at the hospital, weighing 7lb.”

Lisa chose the new birth facilities at the Royal London, even though her dad works in radiography at Newham General.

Her partner Jaime, also 19, was stranded with the rest of the family, then had to make his way on Boxing Day to Canary Wharf where he works in catering—he had no time off, even to sleep!

Tyler is the fourth generation of the family all living in North Woolwich and Custom House. They turned up when he arrived back home in Dockland Street—grandmum Tina Berry, 47, great-gradmum Patricia Berry, in her 70s, from Custom House, and great-grandparents Joyce and Arthur Johnston, in their 80s, from North Woolwich.