The Labour Party’s Jim Fitzpatrick has been elected member of parliament for Poplar and Limehouse.

Mr Fitzpatrick was selected by 29, 886 voters.

He said it had been a “civilised” and “straight forward” campaign.

“With no Tower Hamlets First, no Respect Party and no Islamists, it was a clear fight between Labour and the Conservatives,” he said. “I’d like to thank my opponents, who showed we can have a civilised, mature contest in Tower Hamlets.

“And I’d like to thank all of our supporters and volunteers who helped with that effort.

“But mostly I would like to thank the people of Poplar and Limehouse who elected me.

“We don’t just need more houses but a higher standard of living and a better NHS.”

He faced opposition from six other parliamentary candidates, who finished as follows: In at second was Tory Chris Wildford with 12, 962 votes. In third place came Nicholas McQueen for Ukip, with 3,128 votes. Finishing fourth was Maureen Childs for the Green Party with 2,463 votes. In fifth was the Liberal Democrats candidate Elaine Bagshaw with 2,149 votes. Hugo Pierre finished sixth for the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition with 367 votes. Finally, Rene Claudel Mugenzi finished last with just 89 votes for Red Flag - Anti-Corruption.

This year’s general election saw 62.44 per cent of constituents turn out to cast their votes in Poplar and Limehouse.