Dear Ed, I WELCOME the decision by Education Minister Ed Balls to scrap Science SATS tests for 11-year-olds. Our children are over-tested and under-educated

Dear Ed,

I WELCOME the decision by Education Minister Ed Balls to scrap Science SATS tests for 11-year-olds. Our children are over-tested and under-educated as a result.

Experts now confirm what has been obvious to teachers for years-that these tests have failed to show what pupils have been learning in class.

But the decision to abolish Science SATS while retaining them for Maths and English promises to produce the worst outcome.

Test results at age 11 being a benchmark for whether or not primary schools are 'failing' are likely further narrow the curriculum for primary school pupils.

There is absolutely no reason to suppose that if Science SATS fail to test pupils about what they learn in class, Maths and English will do any better.

The sooner we get rid of these tests and the league tables which go with them the better.

I wholeheartedly support headteachers and staff in boycotting SATS if the Government fails to remove this scourge from our education system.

Cllr Dulal Uddin

Respect Deputy Leader

Tower Hamlets Council

Town Hall, Mulberry Place, Blackwall