More adult learners without qualifications have now graduated from Poplar Harca housing association’s training programme helping to remove barriers to social integration.

A quarter of all adults in the East End are said to have no digital confidence and lack any qualifications.

So the organisation's 'digital champion' volunteers have been working with 300 people to give them that confidence.

"Our strategy is to get them to achieve something significant," Harca's Babu Bhattacherjee said. "We run learning programmes in the community to get into careers."

The latest batch of 100 learners have now graduated from the programme to receive qualifications in speaking English to help them use public services.

London mayor Sadiq Khan said: "We can tackle the barriers to social integration and inequalities which divide people with the work that organisations like Poplar Harca are doing. This ensures that all Londoners become active citizens in the life of the best city in the world."

The learners received their certificates at a City Hall ceremony, presented by Tower Hamlets Mayor John Biggs and London Assembly's Unmesh Desai.