A THOUSAND smokers have signed the pledge’ to kick the habit after a two-week blitz in London’s East End to mark No Smoking’ Day. The Town Hall’s Tobacco Control’ team took to the streets to persuade smokers to ditch their cigarettes, then dropped in on a mosque in Whitechapel and public leisure centres, as well as catching commuters coming out of the London Underground who couldn’t wait to light up

By Gemma Collins

A THOUSAND smokers have signed the pledge’ to kick the habit after a two-week blitz in London’s East End to mark No Smoking’ Day.

The Town Hall’s Tobacco Control’ team took to the streets to persuade smokers to ditch their cigarettes and dropped in on a mosque in Whitechapel and public leisure centres.

They even caught commuters coming out of the London Underground who couldn’t wait to light up and take a drag’.

The team has received 1,300 referral cards over the two weeks from East Enders who agreed to sign up to the Tower Hamlets Primary Care Trust Stop Smoking’ service.

More than one-in-five deaths are smoking-related in Tower Hamlets, well above the 18 per cent London average, health experts point out.